Audience Top

All performances are open to the public at no charge. Parents and friends are encouraged to attend the festival. Your students are encouraged to listen to as many bands as possible. Parents and friends are advised to park in the large lot located on the east side of Gateway Boulevard (103 Street). There will be a fee for parking.

Venues Top

All Concert Band performances will take place in the Fringe Festival Arts Barn located at 10330 - 84th Avenue. This year Jazz performances will take place in the Old Stratcona Performing Arts Centre located at 8426 Gateway Boulevard..

Band Set-Up Form Top

Because the stage will be set appropriately for the size of your band, it is essential that you PDF this form to Rob Speers at [email protected] on or before March 5th, 2024. Please do your best to work within the set-up provided on stage. If you must change the configurations, it is your responsibility to make all adjustments AND change it back within your time allotment. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CHAIRS, STANDS OR EQUIPMENT FROM ANY STAGE.

CONCERT BAND SET-UP FORM ( CBset-up 2024.pdf) - Deadline for submission is March 5th, 2024

Emcee Form Top

Please fill out the enclosed Emcee Form and turn it in at the registration desk when you arrive at the festival. Please type or print neatly, as the MC will introduce your group directly from this form. Ideas of what to include are age and/or grade of ensemble members, musical selections and the order they are being played in, or any special notes about the school or performing ensemble that you would like to have shared such as upcoming performances or planned camps or trips.

MC FORM (Word Format) | MC FORM (PDF Version)

Background Information Form Top

This form is optional. This is an opportunity for you as the band director to share any pertinent information with the adjudicators about your band that would be beneficial for them to know about in order to make the festival experience more meaningful or appropriate for your ensemble members.

If you decide to use this form, please attach a copy of it to the front cover of the score for your first piece to be performed (one for each adjudicator).

Background Information Form (Word format) | Background Information Form (PDF Version)

Scores Top

Upon registration, you are required to submit two conductor's scores for each piece of music you perform. Please ensure of your ensemble is on the front of each score and that that measures of each score have been numbered so the adjudicators are able to make quick and easy reference to them.

AIBF does not condone illegal copies of scores. If your scores have been ordered and delayed for any reason, please contact your music store representative for a letter to be included at registration to explain the situation.

Performance Top

Each band will perform 2 or 3 selections at the director's discretion, provided the time allotment is not exceeded. Please ensure to allow time for your ensemble to get on and off the stage and time in between pieces for adjudicators to finish their comments when you put your program together.

The festival does not utilize a required or suggested repertoire list. Adjudicators may comment on the suitability and appropriateness of repertoire on the adjudication sheets.

This year, Grade 1 - 6 Concert Bands will have 30 minutes on the performance stage followed by a 25 minute clinic with one of the adjudicators in a different room.

Jazz Ensembles will have 45 minutes on stage for their performance and clinic.

Procedures Top


  1. ARRIVAL - All busses should arrive northbound on Gateway Boulevard (103rd Street). Cross 83rd avenue and turn left into an alley at the north end of the “Farmer’s Market” Building. Busses MAY ONLY DROP-OFF at the designated spot and then must leave the area to park. STUDENTS SHOULD REMAIN ON BUSSES while the DIRECTOR comes in to the registration desk.At the registration desk, directors will meet their volunteer guide; turn in an MC Form and conductor’s scores (2 per piece) as well as the optional Background Information Form.Once the director has registered, a guide will show the director where his/her group’s instrument cases will be stored. Directors will then return to their busses and have the students unload and proceed QUIETLY to the designated instrument storage area. Once students and equipment have been unloaded, BUSSES MUST LEAVE the Fringe Festival Arts Barn and park in the parking lot located on the east side of Gateway Boulevard (103rd Street).
  2. STORAGE ROOMS - Volunteer guides will assist directors and students in locating their designated storage area.This area is for storage of instrument cases.Several groups will be sharing these rooms so PLEASE USE AS LITTLE SPACE AS POSSIBLE to avoid problems. This is not a warm-up room – ABSOLUTELY NO PLAYING. Storage areas will not be locked so students should not leave valuables unattended. Neither AIBF nor the ATB Financial Arts Barn will be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles. Groups who arrive early will meet their guides at the storage room no later than 40 minutes prior to performance time.
  3. WARM-UP ROOMS – The guides will escort bands to a warm-up area approximately 30 minutes prior to their performance time. This room will be equipped with chairs and wire stands only. Directors are responsible for bringing their own tuners.
  4. PERFORMANCE – The guides will lead bands to the performance area at the appropriate time. The stage manager will assist with any set-up requirements groups may have.The MC will introduce each group before its performance. Please wait for a signal from the adjudicators between each piece. This year, Grade 1-6 Concert Band's total stage time is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes including set-up, performance and departure. We hope to return to the 45 minute time slot for more advanced bands next year. TIME LIMITS WILL BE ENFORCED. Band directors are reminded to submit an MC Form when registering. Please do not change the stage set-up unless this is critical to your success. If you do change it, it is your responsibility to return the stage to its original set-up within your time allotment.
  5. CLINIC – The guides will lead each band to the clinic room in the backstage theatre for a half hour session with an adjudicator. Scores will be retrieved by the guide during this session and given to the director. Adjudication sheets will not be available until the conclusion of the festival. Performance and Adjudication audio files will be emailed to the Director within 24 hrs of performance.
  6. STORAGE ROOM – Following the clinic session, the guide will lead each band back to their storage area. At this point students will be directed to put away instruments. Groups who stay for the entire day to listen to other groups will need to make alternate arrangements for storing equipment, as our space is extremely limited. We may be able to help. Please indicate this intent when registering your band.
  7. RECEPTION – The Director’s Reception will be held in the Fringe Festivall Arts Barn at 8:45 PM on the Wednesday evening. All directors, adjudicators, sponsors and dignitaries are invited.
  8. FEATURE CONCERT – The Feature Concert will be held at 7:00 pm on the Wednesday. Seating is limited and $10 tickets should be pre-ordered using the Feature Concert Order Form. Any remaining tickets will be available at the door for $15.



  1. ARRIVAL - All busses should arrive northbound on Gateway Boulevard (103rd Street) The main entrance to the Old Strathcona Performing Arts Center is located on the west side of Gateway Boulevard a half block south of 85th Avenue.STUDENTS SHOULD REMAIN ON BUSSES while the DIRECTOR comes in to the registration desk. At the registration desk, directors will meet their volunteer guide; turn in an MC Form and conductor’s scores (2 per piece) as well as the optional Background Information Form. Once the director has registered, a guide will show the director where his/her instrument cases will be stored. Directors will then return to their busses and have the students unload and proceed QUIETLY to the designated instrument storage area. Once students and equipment have been unloaded, busses must park in the parking lot located on the east side of Gateway Boulevard (103rd Street).
  2. STORAGE ROOMS - Volunteer guides will assist directors and students in locating their designated storage area. This area is for storage of instrument cases. Several groups will be sharing these rooms so PLEASE USE AS LITTLE SPACE AS POSSIBLE to avoid problems. This is not a warm-up room – ABSOLUTELY NO PLAYING. Storage areas will not be locked so students should not leave valuables unattended. Neither AIBF nor the OSPAC will be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles. Groups who arrive early will meet their guides at the storage room no later than 45 minutes prior to performance time.
  3. WARM-UP ROOMS – The guides will escort bands to a warm-up area approximately 30 minutes prior to their performance time. This room will be equipped with chairs and stands only. Directors are responsible for bringing their own tuners.
  4. PERFORMANCE – The guides will lead bands to the performance area at the appropriate time. The stage manager will assist with any set-up requirements groups may have. The MC will introduce each group before its performance. Please wait for a signal from the adjudicators between each piece. Total stage time is limited to a maximum of 45 minutes including set-up, performance, clinic and departure. TIME LIMITS WILL BE ENFORCED. Band directors are reminded to submit an MC Form when registering. Please do not change the stage set-up unless this is critical to your success. If you do change it, it is your responsibility to return the stage to its original set-up within your time allotment.
  5. CLINIC – Bands remain on stage where they will be joined by the adjudicators in a clinic session. Adjudication sheets and scores will be given to the director following their clinic. Audio files will be emailed within 24 hours of performance.
  6. STORAGE ROOM – Following the photo session, the guide will lead each band back to their storage area. At this point students will be directed to put away instruments. Groups who stay for the entire day to listen to other groups will need to make alternate arrangements for storing equipment, as our space is extremely limited. We may be able to help. Please indicate this intent when registering your band.
  7. RECEPTION – The Director’s Reception will be held in the ATB Financial Arts Barn at 8:30 PM on the Wednesday, All directors, adjudicators, sponsors and dignitaries are invited.
  8. FEATURE CONCERT The 2023 Feature Concert will be held at 7:00 pm on the Wednesday. Seating is limited and $10 tickets should be pre-ordered using the Feature Concert Order Form.Remaining tickets will be available at the door for $15.


Music Selection Top

The Alberta International Band Festival encourages you to select musical literature that you believe will best showcase your ensemble at the grade level you have registered them for. Unlike other music festivals, we don't have a set performance list.

For both concert band and jazz ensemble performances, you should consider the overall performance. You have a set performance time that you must stay within (including allowing time for your band to get on and off the stage, and time for adjudicators to provide comments between pieces.)

We recommend you play a minimum of two pieces, but many groups opt to perform a warm-up piece or march that you have the option of including as part of your adjudication or not. The pieces selected should be in contrasting styles. For example, a good concert band program might include a traditional march and then a more contemporary original concert band work. A jazz program might include a swing tune, a ballad, and a funk tune.

The total number of pieces you choose to perform should be based on the following time allocations:

This year, total stage time for Grade 1 to 6 Concert Bands is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes including set-up, performance, and departure.

  • If you are looking for ideas for performance pieces, there are a variety of resources you can access:
    • Talk to more experienced teachers in your community including other teachers within your own area. they are often more than willing to share ideas and experience.
    • Talk to your music store representative. Both St. John's Music and Long & McQuade have music specialists who stay up to date on the new repertoire that is out there, as well as some of the tried and true "classics". they might have some great suggestions that would be ideal for your ensemble.
    • The Alberta Band Association has put together a syllabus for their festival. You can find the one for 2017 and past years at ABA Syllabus.
    • Teaching Through Performance books (available at most music stores). However, be aware that these are American books and the performance level they indicate a piece is at may not always be accurate.

Pieces selected should be original works for concert band and/or jazz and. While there is a definitely place for pop music, movie music and Broadway musical selections in the musical world, they are often not the best choices for festival performance literature.

A reminder that you are required to submit two conductor's scores for each piece you perform for adjudication (not including the one that you will be using yourself). AIBF does not condone the use of photocopied scores. Please order your scores early to avoid problems at Festival time.

Equipment Top

Please see the attached Equipment List to see a detailed listing of equipment that will be provided for you at the festival. Auxiliary percussion equipment, mallets, etc. will not be provided.

Please note that equipment lists are organized by venue. It is your responsibility to read these lists carefully to provide any other equipment necessary for your performance.

PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY THE FESTIVAL REMAINS IN EACH VENUE. If there is a problem with any of the festival equipment, please advice a festival representative right away so we can get the problem rectified as quickly as possible.

Equipment List Edmonton NO DATE.pdf- Please review carefully

Amenities Top

Numerous restaurants can be found within walking distance of the venues. Both of the venues are located in the heart of "Old Strathcona". The festival location is two blocks north of Whyte Avenue (82nd Avenue) and all of its eclectic stores and restaurants.

Photos Top

Chaperones are welcome to take photos or videos of their own performing group (with the band director's approval), but should do so quietly and in a non-disruptive way.

Events Top

We hope that all Band Directors will be able to attend the Director's Reception at 8:30 PM on Wednesday, March 13th in the Fringe Festivql Arts Barn. The reception will follow the AIBF Feature Concert. Directors, sponsors, adjudicators and dignitaries are invited to attend.


The 2024 Feature Concert at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 13th will showcase EDMONTON WINDS and the RIVER CITY BIG BAND. Exciting performances for the Concert Band and Jazz Band enthusiasts!

Tickets for the concert should be pre-ordered as they are on a limited "first come, first served" basis. Any remaining tickets will be available at the door. Each Band Director will be provided with a complimentary ticket, however, they too should be pre-ordered.



Since its inception over 45 years ago, the mission statement of the Edmonton Winds has always been “Performing the best in wind band literature”. It has become one of Alberta’s most important community resources in the field of music education and a strong Canadian ambassador abroad. It’s membership is made up of accomplished musicians from all walks of life.

The Edmonton Winds maintains a regular season of performances in various Edmonton venues and has been featured at music conferences and festivals throughout Alberta as well as internationally. They take pride in performing new and challenging music that highlights local talent. Across the season as a whole, the Winds aim to balance their mandate to promote wind band music with their responsibility to the broader community. The band has performed at WASBE twice, in 2015 and 2022, and both times has performed works by award-winning composer Allan Gilliland, with world-renowned soloists Jens Lindemann in 2015 and PJ Perry in 2022.


he River City Big Band is one of the premier big bands in Alberta. They have performed throughout the province with artists including Bobby Shew, Vince Mai, Kent Sangster, Mike Murley, PJ Perry, Bobby Cairns, Tommy Banks, Eric Marienthal, Wayne Bergeron, Wycliff Gordon, Carol Welsman and Jens Lindemann.

The repertoire of the RCBB is extensive, ranging from the big band standards of Duke Ellington and Stan Kenton to the music of some of today’s most popular contemporary jazz composers such as Gordon Goodwin and Edmonton’s own internationally renowned Allan Gilliland.

The RCBB also plays original music and arrangements by members of the band.

The RCBB has released two CDs: “Just Friends” (2010) and “River” (2012) both of which largely feature the work of Allan Gilliland and Larry Schrum.

Accommodation Top

Director's may choose their own accommodation. Several hotels are close to the festival site in Old Strathcona.

Adjudication & Awards Top

Adjudication forms and awards will be sent out at the conclusion of the festival. Band directors should make sure that they have their extra copies of scores with them at the conclusion of their clinic.

All bands will be adjudicated against a standard of performance as established by rubrics set by the AIBF committee. Bands receive "SUPERIOR", "EXCELLENT" or "GOOD" ratings from each of two adjudicators. One adjudicator gives a written evaluation, while the other provides recorded comments of the performance. Bands that receive a "SUPERIOR" rating from both adjudicators will receive a "Gold Award" plaque.

In addition, the following awards will be presented at the discretion of the adjudicators:

  • Adjudicators' Choice Concert Band - Junior High
  • Adjudicators' Choice Concert Band - Senior High
  • Adjudicators' Choice Jazz Ensemble - Junior High
  • Adjudicators' Choice Jazz Ensemble- Senior High

Emergency Contact Numbers Top

The following numbers are emergency contact numbers that may be used during the Alberta International Band Festival - North:

  • Fringe Arts Barn - (780) 448-9000
  • Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre - (780) 432-9333
  • Rob Speers - (780) 232-6215

Schedules Top

Please see the SCHEDULE tab above for the most up to date schedules for AIBF Edmonton

Refund Policy Top

No bands will be scheduled until payment has been received.

A schedule of the performance times for each ensemble will be shared on our website and with directors by email on Jaunary 10th, 2024.

There will be a non-refundable administration fee of $50.00. Bands that cancel on or before December 22nd, 2023 in writing with an email sent to [email protected] (a confirmation email will be sent back to confirm receipt of cancellation) will be eligible to receive a complete refund minus the $50 administration fee. After this date, no refunds (or carry over of fees) will be issued for bands withdrawing from the Alberta International Festival.