Calgary Honour Band
The Alberta International Band Festival - South provides Honour Band enrichment programs for the most accomplished high school musicians. Each registered high school has the opportunity to nominate at least three students per registered Concert Band performing ensemble.
Our honour band committee members will be reaching out to the participating high school directors in regards to getting nominations. Further information will be sent out through them.
The rehearsal schedule and performance details are included on each of the nomination forms. We encourage our high school band directors to please discuss the rehearsal dates and times, and the level of commitment required with your students before nomination them to be part of the ensemble so they know what to expect.
Please DO NOT tell students that they are automatically in the ensemble just because they have been nominated.The Honour Band Committee members will go through the nominations and put together the ensembles. Each student selected will receive an emailed letter inviting them to participate, along with the music and information regarding the rehearsals and performance date.
Students selected will be required to respond to this invitation on their own to Andrew Morrow at and are expected to attend all rehearsals in order to be eligible to participate.