Calgary Procedures

Forms & Musical Scores

Concert Band check-in take place in the lobby of the Rozsa Centre.

  • Hand in TWO (2) licensed scores of each piece that you are performing for the adjudicators. They should include your school name on the front cover and all of the bars should be numbered. E-print scores are acceptable. (Photocopies may result in your adjudication evaluation being held back until licensed copies are provided.)
  • MC Form (1 form)
  • Background Information Form (2 forms)
  • Band Set-up Form (1 form) - to be emailed to only for bands LARGER THAN 90 MEMBERS) on or before February 14th, 2025 at 5:00 PM.
  • Please also send an email to BEFORE February 14th, 2025 if your ensemble requires the use of the piano on stage during their performance.

Jazz Ensembles & Combos check-in will take place in the lobby of the University Theatre.

  • Hand in THREE (3) licensed scores of each piece that you are performing for the adjudicators. They should include your school name on the front cover and all of the bars should be numbered. E-print scores are acceptable. (Photocopies may result in your adjudication evaluation being held back until licensed copies are provided.)
  • MC Form (1 form)
  • Background Information Form (2 forms)

Concert Band

Arrival and Unloading:

Before you leave your school, please review the Equipment List to ensure your percussionists and bass players know what is being provided and what isn't. All items you bring to festival should be labelled clearly with your school's name.

PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE SPECIFIC BUSSING DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP LOCATIONS. These locations have been mandated by the U of C Parking and Transportation has assigned specific drop-off and pick up locations. If you have concerns with the changes, please contact the U of C Parking and Transportation HERE.

When you arrive, please encourage your chaperones to help the students unload the bus(es) while you come inside and register your group. (See the required forms and scores above.) Once you've finished checking-in, you can return to you group and bring them inside.

Please note that buses are not allowed to stay in those locations and wait. There is FREE parking available for them down at McMahon Stadium. If necessary, you can call your driver about 10 minutes before your group is ready for pick-up to have them meet you in the designated pick-up area.

For groups that are performing first thing in the morning, please note that we do not have access to the Rozsa Centre before 7:30 AM.

Storage Room:

A volunteer guide will assist the band director and students in finding an assigned storage room. This room is for students to store instrument cases and coats/jackets. It is possible that you may have to share the space with another group so PLEASE USE AS LITTLE SPACE AS POSSIBLE. This is not a warm-up room - ABSOLUTELY NO PLAYING.

Storage rooms will not be locked, so students are encouraged to leave valuables back at their school. Neither the Festival nor the University of Calgary will be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles. As their is a limited amount of storage space available, groups will not be able to access their storage room until 15 - 30 minutes before their warm-up time. Items must be removed within 15 - 30 minutes of the end of their clinic.

Warm-Up Room:

A volunteer guide will meet your group in your storage area approximately five minutes before your warm-up time and lead you to the warm-up room. This room will be equipped with chairs and stands only. Directors are responsible for bringing their own tuners. The volunteer will give you a five minute warning before you have to move your group to the performance stage.


The guides will lead bands to the performance area at the appropriate time. The Emcee will introduce each group before its performance. Please wait for a signal from the adjudicators between each piece indicating that they are ready for you to continue.

Total stage time for Grade 1 to 6 Concert Bands is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes including set-up, introductions, performance and departure. Please remember that adjudicators will also require a few minutes to complete their thoughts and comments before you proceed to the next piece so plan accordingly.


Please do not change the stage setup unless this is critical to your success. If you do change it, it is your responsibility to return the stage to its original setup. This MUST occur within your time allotment.

Friends and family are encouraged to attend the performance. There is no admission fee for our daily performances in the Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall in the Rozsa Centre. Patrons are encouraged to park in the Art Parkade.


Following your performance, a volunteer guide will lead each band to the clinic room for a 25 minute clinic session with an adjudicator. Scores will be retrieved by the volunteer guides during this session and returned to the director at the end. All adjudication feedback and recordings will be accessible online this year.

Please note that if your ensemble did not use all of their performance time on stage, they may be asked to remain on stage or in the hallway until the clinic room is available.

Storage Room:

Following your clinic, a volunteer guide will lead your ensemble back to their storage room. At this point, students will be asked to put away their instruments and collect their belongings. Be sure to grab your music scores before you leave.

Performers will exit out the of the Rozsa Centre through the breezeway by the Reeve Theatre to meet their buses along the north side of University Way NW. (Just past the +15 to the Art Parkade.)

Groups who are staying to listen to other ensembles perform will need to make alternate arrangements for storing equipment, as our space is extremely limited.

Evaluations & Scoring:

All evaluations including scoring and recordings have been moved online this year using Competition Suite. While audio recordings were available right away, marks were verified and usually within 60 minutes of the last band of the day completing their clinic.

*** IMPORTANT NOTE *** - If you are using a smartphone, you will only have access to the audio recordings. To actually see your scores and marks, you must be on a laptop or tower computer. (Limitation of the app that we have no control over.)

Gold Awards:
For groups that earn a Gold Award, you can pick them up the following day in the Festival Office (Thursday, February 20th - 25th). They can also be picked up at the Festival Showcase Concert on the evening of Tuesday, February 25th.

Jazz Ensembles

Arrival and Unloading at the University Theatre:

The Jazz Bands portion of the Alberta International Band Festival will be taking place at the University Theatre at the University of Calgary. The address is 230 University Court NW

Before you leave your school, please review the Equipment List to ensure your percussionists and bass players know what is being provided and what isn't. All items you bring to festival should be labelled clearly with your school's name.

PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE SPECIFIC BUSSING DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP LOCATIONS. These locations have been mandated by the U of C Parking and Transportation has assigned specific drop-off and pick up locations. If you have concerns with the changes, please contact the U of C Parking and Transportation HERE.

When you arrive, please encourage your chaperones to help the students unload the bus while you come inside and register your group. (See the required forms and scores above.) Once you've finished checking-in, you can return to you group and bring them inside.

Please note that buses are not allowed to stay in those locations and wait. There is FREE parking available for them down at McMahon Stadium. If necessary, you can call your driver about 10 minutes before your group is ready for pick-up to have them meet you in the designated pick-up area.

For groups that are performing first thing in the morning, please note that we do not have access to the University Theatre before 7:30 AM.


While students unload, band directors can enter the building and register their ensemble at the Registration Desk in the University Theatre lobby area. (Please see above section for forms and musical score requirements.)

A volunteer will then take you and your ensemble to a storage area where you may leave your coats, belongings, and instruments cases. These areas will not be locked, so please encourage band members to leave valuables at home.


Each group will be assigned a specific space for warm-up. You will 25 minutes in your warm-up space.

Performance Area:

All the groups in your pod will come together in the performance space. Each group will have up to 30 minutes on stage to perform.

Once you take the stage and get settled, an Emcee will introduce your group. Afterwards you can begin your performance. Please note that you should pause briefly between pieces to allow adjudicators to finish with their comments. They will acknowledge when you may begin the next piece. Your entire performance, including getting on and off the stage should fit within the 30 minute timeslot.

Each group in the pod will have the opportunity to perform for the other groups within the pod. If your group is not on stage performing, they are part of the audience and supporting the ensemble on stage.


After your performance, each group will move back to your warm-up space for your clinic. This is where one of the adjudicators will come and work with your group. If your group finishes performing early, this means you will have more opportunity to work with your adjudicator in clinic. Your scores will be returned to you at the end of this session. Be sure to get them before you leave.

Evaluations & Scoring:

All evaluations including scoring and recordings have been moved online this year using Competition Suite. While audio recordings were available right away, marks were verified and usually within 60 minutes of the last band of the day completing their clinic.

*** IMPORTANT NOTE *** - If you are using a smartphone, you will only have access to the audio recordings. To actually see your scores and marks, you must be on a laptop or tower computer. (Limitation of the app that we have no control over.)

Gold Awards:
For groups that earn a Gold Award, you can pick them up the following day in the Festival Office (Thursday, February 20th - 25th). They can also be picked up at the Festival Showcase Concert on the evening of Tuesday, February 25th.