John K. Nikel Scholarship Application Guidelines (AIBF NORTH)
Current Grade 12 students. Applicants MUST reside in the Northern portion of the Province of Alberta. This includes all points North of the City of Red Deer.
The John K. Nikel Scholarship is valued at $2,500. One scholarship will be awarded annually and announced at the Feature Concert.
In 1971, Mr. John Nikel had a vision for a band festival that would provide an opportunity for young Albertans to perform and learn in a positive, educational environment. This vision resulted in the first Alberta International Band Festival (then the Alberta Stage Band Festival) with 8 jazz bands performing in the first year. Now, 53 years later, the Festival annually hosts more than 300 school and community concert and jazz bands in Edmonton and Calgary and is recognized for its commitment to education through world-class adjudicators and excellent performance venues. In keeping with the original vision of Mr. Nikel, the festival continues to be managed by volunteers, mostly band directors, in both Edmonton and Calgary as a not-for-profit venture.
Brothers John and George Nike left a huge legacy of support for the Arts in Alberta. They continued to advocate tirelessly for music education, particularly band programs in schools until the end. The John K. Memorial Nikel Scholarship has been established as a legacy of this commitment. This scholarship will assist a young Albertan with aspirations of being a band director to pursue their post-secondary studies.
The application deadline is 5:00 PM on March 1st annually. Please see below for submission requirements.
Please encourage your students to apply if the criterion for the scholarship applies to them. If you have questions about this award, please contact the chair of the Alberta International Band Festival for Northern Alberta - Rob Speers at
The successful applicant will be notified by telephone or in writing. A certificate of acknowledgement will be mailed to the recipient after the announcement. The recipient will be also provided with the necessary details in regards to the award disbursement.
The scholarship itself will be paid when proof of registration in an appropriate post-secondary institution in the proceeding fall has been received by the Alberta International Band Festival. The scholarship monies will be paid directly to the post-secondary institution towards tuition and fees. In all matters concerning the eligibility and payment, the decision of the AIBF Scholarship Committee shall be final.
All applicants MUST meet the following criteria:
- Be a resident of Alberta and reside in northern Alberta (including all points north of Red Deer).
- Demonstrate a strong desire to become a band director.
- Be a current grade 12 student.
- Have a strong academic record.
- Enclose a transcript of high school marks (must contain signature of school official verifying authenticity).
- Demonstrate a strong desire to become a band director / music educator in a school setting.
- Be entering a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2025 in a faculty and program appropriate for becoming a band director (most likely music)
- Submit a 250 – 500 word essay, typed and double-spaced. Essay should clearly outline why the applicant wishes to pursue a career as a band director.
- Provide three letters of reference. At least one of these MUST be from your current band teacher. These letters should address the applicant’s demonstrated desire to pursue a career as a band director, potential for success and evidence of good citizenship as well as leadership skills.
Each year, prior to the Alberta International Band Festival, application forms and related materials will be made available to band directors and potential candidates via email and on the AIBF website. Applicants will be required to submit their applications so they are received by the assigned deadline each year.
The successful applicant will be selected based on the strength of his/her application by the AIBF Scholarship Selection Committee. The decision of the Committee will be final.