The Mike Sakatch Jazz Prospect Scholarship
The Mike Sakatch Jazz Prospect Scholarship is an award open to all Alberta International Band Festival high school participants who intends to pursue music at the post-secondary level following high school. The scholarship is NOT restricted to grade 12 students.
The Mike Sakatch Jazz Prospect Scholarship is valued at $500.
It is intent of the scholarship that the funds offset the expense of post-secondary or extracurricular musical studies and provide the recipient with an extra incentive to continue with their music education. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Post-secondary tuition
- Private music lessons
- Attendance at a summer music camp that will enhance their musical development.
The application deadline is February 1st at 5:00 PM annually. Please see application form for submission requirements.
The successful applicant in the southern portion of the Province of Alberta will be notified by telephone and in writing.
The scholarship monies will only be granted when the recipient submits proof of enrollment in an acceptable program of study. In all matters concerning the eligibility and payment, the decision of the AIBF Scholarship Committee shall be final.
*** The deadline for applications is February 1st at 5:00 PM annually.
Guidelines for Application
All applicants MUST meet the following criteria:
- Be a resident of Alberta, a current senior high school student, and a participant in the southern portion of the Alberta International Band Festivals.
- Completion of Section I through III of the application form.
The AIBF Scholarship Selection Committee will screen all applicants to ensure the criteria have been met. The successful candidate will be selected by the Jazz Adjudicators based on his/her performance at the Festival. The decision of the Adjudicators will be final.